Pre Microneedling Protocol

  • Stop using scrubs, retinol, acids, essential oils and other active ingredients, that can irritate the skin, 48 hours before the service;
  • Avoid sun exposure for three days before the procedure;
  • Three days before microneedling, aspirin, other pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medication, antibiotics should not be used;
  • The skin must be saturated with moisture in order for the microneedling procedure to be as effective and painless as possible. A couple of days before the procedure, it is necessary to moisturize the skin with special products and drink enough water.
  • Come for the microneedling with clean, dry skin (SPF is acceptable) and no makeup.

Although microneedling is the core of the service, we need to emphasise how skin is prepared and how it is thoroughly supported in its recovery phase.